1. What does a Psychiatric Nurse Practioner do? Is it like a doctor?
a. In Oregon, a Nurse Practioner can prescribe medications in their specialty area. The can also provide psychotherapy, parenting consultation, marriage counseling, family therapy, to name a few. They are known for their ability to educate clients and provide a personalized level of care. Their fees are oftentimes lower then a Doctor’s or Psychiatrists.

2. Do you provide medications like a pharmacy?
a. A Nurse Practioner is not the same as a pharmacist. The can prescribe the medications but not provide them. You still must go to your regular pharmacy to pick them up.

3. What is Attention Deficit Disorder – Inattentive type?
a. There are several different types of attention deficit wiring. The classic ADD/ADHD has high energy and impulsivity. But there is another category known as. These people have a more mellow exterior, often describe themselves as being space cadets or having brain fog. They are more likely to hesitate or procrastinate taking action. They have a short attention span for tasks that are not interesting, can’t find and frequently lose objects like keys, are often late, easily bored, may have numerous projects going that they find very difficult to finish.

4. What if I have something different from ADD/ADHD? How can you help me?
a. As a Psychiatric Nurse Practioner, I can provide psychotherapy and medications for any of the following:
i. Depression
ii. Anxiety
iii. Sleep Disorder
iv. Trauma
v. Panic Attacks
vi. Marital Relationships and Divorce
vii. Employment Transitions